Sadly, during the most important Presidential election in our lifetime, the two extremely polarizing candidates being offered to the American public - Presidents Biden & Trump - agreed to only two debates - one hosed by CNN and the other by ABC News, as they decided to bypass the time honored tradition of three meetings organized by the non-partisan Commission on Presidential Debates, which has overseen presidential debates since 1988.
CNN also refused to allow candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to participate in Thursday’s debate, which considering that a recent Reuter’s poll showed that in a two-way matchup, Biden and Trump each had the support of 35% of respondents, with 20% of Independent voters behind Kennedy, and the other 10% saying they did not know who they would vote for, or would not vote at all.
Kennedy has filed a formal complaint with the Federal Election Commission for not being allowed to participate in last Thursday’s debate on CNN. However, he also participated by offering his own real time rebuttals to Trump & Biden in real time on C-Span.
See how different the debate and our vision for the future of our country could be if we were being offered a choice instead of a referendum.
Watch the entire debate between all three candidates by clicking this link.
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